Forums - A look at... MvC2 Sakura!?!? Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- A look at... MvC2 Sakura!?!? ( Posted by ThisGuileKillYa on 04:01:2001 09:00 PM: I was playing MvC2 w/ my brother and he started using Sakura on his teams.. after seeing what she can do, Im convinced that she is upper-2nd tier in this game! She has her weaknesses Im sure.. I dont know exactly how well she takes damage and dont know if her attacks are particularly strong.. but she has some way good qualities!! Her ground and "SF" game is very good. Easy to rush down w/ good assists and has nice combos, even if not with AHVBx3-esque potency Im not sure if her DP cancels into her QCF+PP super, but if it does, thats quite nasty The main thing that makes me think she could be a major player is her dash assist Her dash assist has a lot of frames where it hits the opponent. That means it gives the point character more time to maneuver during the assist. Think about it. That also means it helps trap well because of how long the enemy has to deal w/ it. PLUS, the assist has invincibility! Good crossup tool. Therefore I think Sak would go very well w/ Magneto and his crazy rush down game. I guess its hard for me to explain exactly.. but I'm now convinced Sakura is very good in this game w/ the right team members. Tell me what you think... she seems highly under rated to me. And borfor u tell me she sucks, try using her dash assist w/ ur fav rushers! I wanna try Magneto Sakura Blackheart.. or maybe Doom Posted by DrewSpiegel on 04:01:2001 09:16 PM: Just for people out of the loop, Crackpr0n beat Inkblot at the tourny in Folsom using Sakura/Ken/Akuma to Inkblot's Spiral/Sentinal/Blackheart. He lost the first match, but the next two he put inkblot under new ownership. Anything is possible. Posted by ThisGuileKillYa on 04:01:2001 09:20 PM: Thats a pretty cool stat there LOL. If Akuma had more enducance than wet tissue paper, he'd b really good. But I think tourney winning Sakura teams are quite possible w/ the right supporting cast Again, 'neato seems to suggest himself... Posted by MarkyMark on 04:01:2001 09:29 PM: Sakura's dash type assist is very good, mainly because it travels through so many things. She has less utility on point, though, and her stamina is pretty weak. Posted by Voodoo on 04:01:2001 09:42 PM: Sakura is only good once she turns evil. Then she has her invincible teleport that makes her semi-usful. Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:01:2001 09:43 PM: Actually Sakura takes 100%(normal) damage, just like Cable. Her assist is what would make her worth using. ONe nice thing is she does amazing amounts of damage, espcially considering her size and speed. Her kick throw does 23 points of damage(generally they don't do over 16 at the most), and a simple air combo can do over 50 damage, and even more if you know your stuff. Good to know if it is your Sakura vs their primary assist in the end. She can also stall well by doing fireballs in the air. Posted by Maximum Burst on 04:01:2001 09:50 PM: She is good but a little iffy and not always reliable. Posted by ThisGuileKillYa on 04:01:2001 09:51 PM: Exactly.. she takes normal damage, is powerful, and has kick ass assist. Remember, the assist has a long window when it hits. There's a lot you can do when they're stuck in hit/block stun Im not trying to say she's the new Cable or anything LOL But I think, upon analysis, there's no reason she couldnt be 2nd tier material along w/ Psylocke, Cammy, etc. Sak wont take out teams on her own, but w/ high tier support, she can easily be a monster I dont remmeber what the differences are when she forgets her SPF 100... what does she gain? Posted by MarkyMark on 04:01:2001 10:13 PM: Her stamina's average? Huh. Thanks guys. ...Oh, cancelling Shouoken into her Senpu Kyaku super (rising kick one) looks kinda neat . And I like her with Sentinel Drones assist - Shouoken + Drones = solid wall (as well as invitation to AHVB - use carefully!). Posted by ThisGuileKillYa on 04:01:2001 10:45 PM: Hmm.. Sentinel Sakura.. didnt even occur to me. Her assist hits long enough that between HP's, drones, and rocket punches, they could be a chip nightmare. Who would b a good 3rd? Cyclops maybe? AAA for if they manage to get in on the Sent-Sak trapping.. hmmm Posted by ShinX on 04:01:2001 10:54 PM: Now you're in my zone When she becomes 'evil', she gains a teleport, her normal ground fireball, non-invincible sho-o-ken, a Ryu/Akuma style Shinkuu Hadoken, and a Raging Demon. Plus, she keeps her other supers, but they have different motions. Her move motions basically change to Alpha style. I haven't found any good use for this mode yet, besides style/humiliation Sakura uses? I once bothered some mediocre Doom player with Megaman/Sakura....just kept firing the Rock Buster and calling Sakura to block the photon shots...kept him grounded for a couple minutes ^_^ Sak is great for sweeping the ground, espically with airborne characters....had some success with Blackheart doing this ^_^ And yes, when her assist hits, they'll hang in the air for as long as Cyclops' assist. Her ground game is decent...she's fast enough to lay on the pressure, but she's push-blockable. Use her throws, and mash on the punch throw. Her air jab Sho-o-Ken's recovery time is quick enough that she can use it as an air dash. She has flashy air combos: short >> forward /\ jab >> short >> forward >> short shun-pu-kyaku (air hurricane kick) >> jab >> medium >> short Sho-o-ken Not much damage though, but you'll get combo props ...better is just a short, followed by roundhouse hurricane kick...I believe it glitches like Ken's Yes, her Sho-o-ken (DP) combos into all 3 of her supers! Her Haru-Ichiban (spinning kick super) can catch Magneto off-guard. Her sho-o-ken can go through some beam supers, like Morrigan's, but still loses to Cable's HVB And remember, he taunt hits for damage....killing someone with it is ultimate humiliation Heh, writing all this makes me want to bust her out again...I really don't play her enough on MvC2....with Blackheart/Spiral I can see her doing damage Posted by Hero on 04:01:2001 10:57 PM: I know Sakura can be damaging. One time I lost my whole team, came down to my Sakura vs. Cable and Storm, and actually made a comeback. I still lost at the last second tho, so... Guile~As EvilSak, her regular motions for her moves return. fb+p for hadoken, dp+p for Shouken, etc. Plus she gains a bit of speed (I think), has her teleports, and can do a raging demon move. I'm not sure if her dash (the shouken) is invincible in this though. As for supers, the only one I know that changes is shinku hadoken, which goes up instead of out (ala Ryu's hadoken super) and can be done in air. Posted by MarkyMark on 04:01:2001 11:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by ThisGuileKillYa Who would b a good 3rd? Cyclops maybe? AAA for if they manage to get in on the Sent-Sak trapping.. Either Blackheart AAA or CapCom AAA work great for Sentinel. Posted by ThisGuileKillYa on 04:01:2001 11:04 PM: Cool... i think I'd stick to the skincancer-less Sakura. I realized she prob wouldnt work too well as an assist w/ Sent because Sent usually doesnt go in close. I would venture to say Sak's assist keeps the opponent in hit stun LONGER than Cyk's.. but his is an uppercut so it tags jumpers. So what do u think the best Sak teams would be? Im thinkin: Magneto - Sak - Sentinel or Spiral - Sak - Doom I'd have to experiment Posted by WHOCares? on 04:01:2001 11:14 PM: Sak is also pretty useful to Cable. As mentioned, those 7 hits give him the time to setup the AHVB. And for assists, remember that the opponent goes very high in the air after the 7th high, so Cable doesn't have to punish the assist rightaway. Also a Spiral/BH/Sak team does loko pretty intriguing. I've been slowly learning BH, & I don't play Spiral as much as I should. One more thing to keep in mind about Sak, she as the only auto-combo super that fully connects on assits, I'm sure that fact can be made useful! Posted by ThisGuileKillYa on 04:01:2001 11:24 PM: Hmm... Magneto Cable Sak? Spiral Cable Sak? Posted by Dane on 04:02:2001 01:14 AM: I've been using her a lot lately (to the surprise of those I usually play with). Her lk, mk(launch), jump, lp, lk, lk Shunpu Kyaku, lp Shououken combo has been doing a sick amount of damage verus those cheap cable fans. Posted by ThisGuileKillYa on 04:03:2001 12:48 AM: Well I didn't know my using Sak as a joke against my brother "ThisGuilekillya" would turn into one of my best characters and even start this cute lil thread Posted by ThisGuileKillYa on 04:03:2001 01:26 AM: LOL Lee... I didnt say u played especially well w/ her.. I just saw some good ideas come to light jk, u didnt do too bad. Ur foolin urself w/ Zangief tho Use ur own name next time Posted by SinfestBoy on 04:03:2001 01:37 AM: Dane: About how much damage does that combo do? if you had the game at home, could you see exactly how many points it does? also, does her shoouken assist come out immedietly, so I could use it to take out pleople who are pressuring me? and how much lag does it have? I am looking for a replacement for ken on one of my teams, because his great assist has WAY too much lag, and gets hit evne when he hits very often. Thanks. Posted by NV on 04:03:2001 01:37 AM: well hell sorry about that thisguilekillya using I did, but still I have been using Sakura a lot recently and think she has a lot of potential the teams I have been using as of late are Iceman+Sak+Doom or Cable+sak+sent if anyone has good ideas for these teams,please let me know kicking my brothers ass would be a nice change of pace Posted by Dane on 04:03:2001 01:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by SinfestBoy also, does her shoouken assist come out immedietly, so I could use it to take out pleople who are pressuring me? and how much lag does it have? I am looking for a replacement for ken on one of my teams, because his great assist has WAY too much lag, and gets hit evne when he hits very often. Thanks. It's a little slow to hit, but she comes out quick. If you tap her assist, then fire a drone swarm(sentinel) right after with no delay, they will hit at about the same time. Also works in reverse with sent's ground assist. The combo I listed above does 111 damage with high damage on(not sure if they damage count in practice changes with the damage level). When learning the combo try to end it with a hadouken instead of shoouken at first, especially when not in a corner. Posted by ThisGuileKillYa on 04:03:2001 01:48 AM: LOL NV.. well, at least you're posting now. That's the 1st step toward that change of pace u were lookin for(which to me, the intended victim, seems highly unlikely) Iceman Sak Doom.. Umm, since when are you using Doom? Ive been sayin you SHOULD.. Use Doom's assist to rush w/ Sak. Use Iceman's proj. assist to help trap w/ Doom.. And of course Sak's will help him trap too for instance call assist, then immediatly jump into photon array. Also try jumping forward w/ doom and calling the Iceman or Sak assist(not sj, or u cant call assist) then air dash toward w/ an attack. If you're close enough, the Sak assist may stall long enough to link the air dash attack and a ground attack. Cable Sak Sent Lee, are u joking around cuz you never use Sent either.. But anyway, more of the same.. Use Sent as ur point.. Cable proj. assist to help trap w/ Sent or Cable AAA if u want rush protection. Use Sent's ground assist to cover Sak's ruhdown. Use Sak's assist and if it hits, AHVB w/ Cable. Posted by SinfestBoy on 04:03:2001 02:07 AM: I got a good idea with Sak if u have doom as your assist. call doom, jump over, shoouken, land, do whatever. they eat the chip from doom, and you have time to land and maby do something, then call another chiping assist, jump over and try it again. Posted by SinfestBoy on 04:03:2001 03:13 AM: I am considering 2 teams using sakura for this friday: Sentinel, Sakura, Spiral Doom, Sakura, Storm Posted by Dane on 04:03:2001 08:40 PM: Correction to the combo I posted a few days ago, use an lp or two before the Shououken. Sorry Posted by ShinX on 04:04:2001 07:22 AM: I found that Sak works wonders with Blackheart...she sets up the Inferno/HoD so easily it's almost cheating Most people want to run underneath Blackheart when he does his jumping demon spitting. So call Sak and super jump immediately. The small delay in her assist means opponent won't even see her come in...they dash underneath Black right into her, then you land with plenty of time to Inferno >> HoD Posted by DeathFromAbove on 04:04:2001 09:17 AM: Sakura...hella good assist, but she lacks at point. The only good thing I've found about her at point is her HK hurricane controls lots of space when paired with a good assist. I just try to get in close and throw lots, to build meter. Can she still do repeated punch throws if the opponent doesn't tech? That was very annoying/fun in MSF. -DFA Posted by Zechs on 04:04:2001 03:05 PM: The real lowdown on Sakura Sakuras dash assist is actually sub par cause a whole lot of stuff can stop it and once blocked she goes away. Its one of her better assists i agree but still I sometimes use her huricane kick assist cause it hits multiple times even if blocked. But let me say this, sakura is NOT used for her assists! Let me fill you all in on a little secret. Sakura is a Sentinal killer. Abuse her hurricane kick on him. When next to sent use her standing huricane kick, it hits all of sent cause of his size. Theres way more strategy involving traps with assist lockdowns for her against sent but I'll let you figure them out, i have layed down the basics. Posted by BlackShinobi on 04:04:2001 04:03 PM: Evil Sakura kills cable and sentinel 1 on 1. no joke i've seen it too many times. Her shinkuu hadouken take way too much normal and block damage. Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:04:2001 04:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by BlackShinobi Evil Sakura kills cable and sentinel 1 on 1. no joke i've seen it too many times. Her shinkuu hadouken take way too much normal and block damage. I think we will all believe you. A lot of stuff kills alot of the top tier 1 on 1. Of course getting them down to that situation... All times are GMT. The time now is 11:16 PM. Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.